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Ouvrages en anglais

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Animals in the Qur'an (Sarra TLILI)

Animals in the Qur’an (Sarra TLILI)

TLILI (Sarra), Animals in the Qur’an, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, ("Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization"), 2012, 298 p. ISBN 9781107529915 L’auteur Sarra Tlili is an (…)

Major themes of the Qurʾān (Fazlur RAHMAN)

Major themes of the Qurʾān (Fazlur RAHMAN)

Rahman (Fazlur), Major themes of the Qurʾān, Minneapolis/MN, Bibliotheca Islamica, 1980, XVI+180 p. Biblio. index. ISBN 0-88297-026-7 Rahman (Fazlur), Major themes of the Qurʾān, (…)

Coherence in the Qur'an. A study of Islâhî's Concept Nazm in (…)

Coherence in the Qur’an. A study of Islâhî’s Concept Nazm in Tadabbur-i Qur’ân (Mustansir MIR)

MIR (Mustansir), Coherence in the Qur’an. A study of Islâhî’s Concept Nazm in Tadabbur-i Qur’ân, Indianapolis, American trust Publications, 1986, 125 p. L’auteur Mustansir Mir est Professeur (…)

Bible and Qur'ân. Essays in scriptural Intertextuality (éd. John C. REEVES)

Bible and Qur’ân. Essays in scriptural Intertextuality (éd. John C. REEVES)

REEVES (John C.) éd., Bible and Qur’ân. Essays in Scriptural Intertextuality, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, ("Society of Biblical Literature Symposium ; 24"), 2003, XIII+245 p. ISBN (…)

Modern Controversies in Quranic Studies (éd. Mohammed NEKROUNI, Jan MEISE)

Modern Controversies in Quranic Studies (éd. Mohammed NEKROUNI, Jan MEISE)

NEKROUNI Mohammed, MEISE Jan, (éd.), Modern controversies in Qurʼānic studies, Unter mitarbeit von esther meininghaus, Hamburg-Schenefeld, EB-Verl., ("Bonner Islamstudien /herausgegeben von (…)

New researches into the composition and exegesis of the Qoran (Hartwig (…)

New researches into the composition and exegesis of the Qoran (Hartwig HIRSCHFELD)

HIRSCHFELD (Hartwig), New researches into the composition and exegesis of the Qoran, London, Royal Asiatic Society, 1902, II+155 p. HIRSCHFELD (Hartwig), New researches into the composition (…)