Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Bibliographies

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Routledge Companion to the Qur’an (September 2021)
(Archer) George, Dakake (Maria M.), Madigan Daniel A., (eds.), Routledge Companion to the Qur'an, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Religion Companions") 2021, 600 p. ISBN-13 : 978-0415709507

The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies by Mustapha Shah & M. A. S. Abdel Haleem -eds- (May 2020)
Shah (Mustapha), Abdel Haleem (Muhammad), The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ("Oxford Handbooks"), 2019, 896 p. ISBN 978-0199698646 Editors Mustafa Shah (…)

Chrestomathia Qorani Arabica (C.A. NALLINO)
NALLINO (Carlo Alfonso), Chrestomathia Qorani Arabica, notas adiecit glossarium confecit, Lipsiae, Sumptibus Wolfgang Gerhard, 1893, VI+68p. (réédité à Rome en 1963) NALLINO (Carlo Alfonso), (…)