Handbook of Oriental Studies (Brill)

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"Handbook of Oriental Studies Section 1 The Near and Middle East" est une collection prestigieuse animée par W.H. van Soldt (Leiden) Editors G. Beckman (Ann Arbor), C. Leitz (Tübingen), B.A. Levine (New York), P. Michalowski (Ann Arbor), P. Miglus (Heidelberg).
Présentation générale:
Scholarly reference works, bibliographic works and research tools pertaining to the political, economic, and social history of the Near and Middle East, encompassing studies of religions, the sciences, archaeology (including Egyptology) and linguistics.
(Source Brill)

The Arabic Lexicographical Tradition: From the 2nd/8th to the 12th/18th Century
Baalbaki (Ramzi), The Arabic Lexicographical Tradition. From the 2nd/8th to the 12th/18th Century, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume: 107"), (…)

Between Memory and Power The Syrian Space under the Late Umayyads and Early Abbasids (c. 72-193/692-809)
Borrut (Antoine), Between Memory and Power The Syrian Space under the Late Umayyads and Early Abbasids (c. 72-193/692-809), translation by Anna Bailey Galietti, Leiden, Brill, (Handbook of (…)

A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’ānic Arabic (Martin R. ZAMMIT)
ZAMMIT (Martin R.), A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’ānic Arabic, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East ; 61"), 2002, xiv+658 p. ISBN 90 04 118012. (…)

Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage (BADAWI Al Saïd Muhammad & ABDEL HALEEM Muhammad)
BADAWI (Al Saïd Muhammad) & ABDEL HALEEM (Muhammad), Arabic-English dictionnary of Qur’anic usage, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of oriental studies. Section one, the Near and Middle East", 85) (…)

Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (Michel LAGARDE)
LAGARDE (Michel), Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, Leiden, E.J. Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East ; 22"), 1996, LXXXII+360 pp. ISBN (…)