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This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

The origins of the Koran, Classic essays on Islam's holy book (éd. IBN (…)

The origins of the Koran, Classic essays on Islam’s holy book (éd. IBN WARRAQ)

Ibn WARRAQ (ed.), The origins of the koran, Classic essays on Islam’s holy book, Prometheus Books, ("Islamic studies"), 1998, 411 p. ISBN: 1-57392-198-X This volume rejects the notion that (…)

The quest for the historical Muhammad, Edited and translated by Ibn Warraq (…)

The quest for the historical Muhammad, Edited and translated by Ibn Warraq (éd. IBN WARRAQ)

WARRAQ (Ibn), The quest for the historical Muhammad, edited and translated by Ibn Warraq, New-York, Prometheus Books, ("Islamic studies"), 2000, 554 p. ISBN: 1-57392-787-2 More than one (…)

What the Koran really says, Language, text, and commentary (IBN WARRAQ)

What the Koran really says, Language, text, and commentary (IBN WARRAQ)

IBN WARRAQ, What the Koran really says, language, text, & commentary, Edited with translations by Ibn Warraq, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2002, 782 p. Appendices. Glossary. ISBN 1-57392-945-X (…)

Aux origines du Coran

Aux origines du Coran

PREMARE (Alfred-Louis de), Aux origines du Coran, questions d’hier, approches d’aujourd’hui, Paris, Téraèdre, (« L’Islam en débats »), 2004, 144 p. Bibliogr. ISBN 2-912868-19-X PREMARE (…)

The Qur'an in its historical context (éd. Gabriel Said REYNOLDS)

The Qur’an in its historical context (éd. Gabriel Said REYNOLDS)

L’auteur Gabriel Said Reynolds est Professeur d’islamologie et de théologie à l’Université de Notre Dame (USA). Après des études à l’Université de Columbia, il poursuit son cursus à Yale où il (…)

Le Seigneur des tribus, l'Islam de Mahomet (jacqueline CHABBI)

Le Seigneur des tribus, l’Islam de Mahomet (jacqueline CHABBI)

CHABBI (Jacqueline), Le Seigneur des Tribus, L’Islam de Mahomet, Préface d’André Caquot, Paris, Noêsis, 1997, 725 p. Index+bibliog., ISBN 2-911606-13-2 CHABBI (Jacqueline), Le Seigneur des (…)

God, Muhammad and the unbelievers a Qur'anic study (David MARSHALL)

God, Muhammad and the unbelievers a Qur’anic study (David MARSHALL)

MARSHALL (David), God Muhammad and the Unbelievers : A Qur’anic Study, New-York, Routledge/Curzon, 1999, XVIII+220 p. Bibiogr; index. ISBN 0-7007-1086-8 L’auteur David Marshall est Professeur (…)

Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Volume 1 Qur'ānwissenschaften, (…)

Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Volume 1 Qur’ānwissenschaften, ḥadīt, Geschichte, Fiqh, Dogmatik, Mystik. Bis ca. 430 H (Fuat SEZGIN)

SEZGIN (Fuat), Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Volume 1 Qur’ānwissenschaften, ḥadīt, Geschichte, Fiqh, Dogmatik, Mystik. Bis ca. 430 H, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1996, XV+936p. ISBN 90 04 02007 1.

The Biography of Muhammad : the issue of the Sources (Harald MOTZKI)

The Biography of Muhammad : the issue of the Sources (Harald MOTZKI)

MOTZKI (Harald), The Biography of Muhammad : the issue of the Sources, Leiden, Brill, (« Islamic history and civilization. Studies and Texts, 32 »), 2000, XVI-330 p. Bibliogr ; index. ISBN (…)

The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate (Wilferd MADELUNG)

The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate (Wilferd MADELUNG)

MADELUNG (Wilferd), The succession to Muḥammad : a study of the early Caliphate, New York ; Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997, XVIII- 413 p. Bibliogr, Index. ISBN 0-521-56181-7 (…)


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