Makers of the Muslim World (Oneworld Publications)

Accueil > Bibliographie/Sites > Collections > English Collections > Makers of the Muslim World (Oneworld Publications)
This is the first series entirely devoted to the men and women who made the Muslim world what it is today,
whether they were poets or scholars, artists or scientists, politicians or religious leaders. The series will cover the
entire range of Islamic civilization in geographic and chronological terms. Intended as a guide for students,
laymen, Islamicists in need of quick orientation, and academics in other fields, the books are written by experts in
a clear and straightforward language and no prior knowledge of Islam or its history is required to follow them.
Editrice : Patricia Crone
Cette collection rassemble quatre ouvrages qui concernent les premiers siècles de l’Islam :
– Abd al-Malik
– Mu’awiya ibn abi Sufyan, From Arabia to Empire
– Ahmad ibn Hanbal
– al-Ma’mum
(Source : Oneworld Publications)

Abd al-Malik (Chase ROBINSON)
ROBINSON (Chase), Abd al-Malik, Oxford, Oneworld, ("Makers of the muslim world"), 2005, XV-139 p. ISBN 1-85168-361-5 Presentation ’Abd al-Malik, who came to promience during the second civil (…)

Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Christopher MELCHERT)
MELCHERT (Christopher), Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Oxford, Oneworld, (" Makers of the modern theological mind / Bob E. Patterson, ed. - Waco : Word books, 1972-.../Makers of the Muslim World"), c2006, ix, (…)

Mu’awiya ibn abi Sufyan From Arabia to Empire (R. Stephen HUMPHREYS)
HUMPHRIES R. Stephen, Mu’awiya ibn abi Sufyan. From Arabia to Empire, Oxford, Oneworld, ("Makers of the muslim world"), 2006, XII+145 p. ISBN 978-1-85168-402-1 Présentation In this accessible (…)

al-Ma’mum (Michael COOPERSON)
COOPERSON Michael, al-Ma’mum, Oxford, Oneworld, ("Makers of the muslim world"), 2005, XII+144 p. ISBN 1-85168-386-0 Présentation This accessible new biography treats al-Ma’mum (786-833) as (…)