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Apocalyptique et Figures du Mal (International Colloquim - June 6-7).
Presentation Le colloque "Apocalyptique et figures du mal" clôture le projet ARC"La religion de l’autre. Lectures de l’altérité religieuse dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam, de (…)

Conference : "Problematics of Translating Qur’anic Stories : Stylistic, Structural and Semantic Aspects" (Marrakech, 5-6 Mars 2014)
The Fourth International Conference on Religious Texts and Translation On the theme "Problematics of Translating Qur’anic Stories: Stylistic, Structural and Semantic Aspects" Marrakech 05-06 (…)

Return to the Origins, The Qur’ān’s Reformation of Judaism and Christianity (20 - 21 Janvier 2013)
Return to the Origins, The Qur’ān’s Reformation of Judaism and Christianity An International Colloquium University of Nottingham 20 - 21 January 2013 This conference has been made possible (…)

Approaches to the Qur’an in Contemporary Iran (The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2-4 September 2013)
Colloquium at The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London - 2–4 September 2013. Presentation The Qur’an is a central reference for various levels of public discourse in Iran. As the founding (…)

"The Qur’an: Text, Society & Culture (7-9 novembre 2013)
Conveners: Professor M.A.S. Abdel Haleem & Dr Helen Blatherwick Date: 7 November 2013Time: 10:00 AM Finishes: 9 November 2013Time: 6:00 PM Venue: Brunei GalleryRoom: KLT (07/11/2013) & (…)

Congres - Arabic in Context - (2 &t 3 November 2013, Leiden University)
Arabic in Context The year 2013 marks the 400th anniversary of Leiden’s chair in Arabic Language and Culture. To celebrate this memorable event, the Leiden Institute for Area Studies and the (…)