NEUWIRTH (Angelika), SINAI (Nicolai), MARX (Michael) ed., The Qurʾan in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾanic Milieu, Leiden, Brill, ("Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān, 6"), 2009, 740 p. ISBN 978 90 04 17688 1
Although recent scholarship has increasingly situated the Qur’an in the historical context of Late Antiquity, such a perspective is only rarely accompanied by the kind of microstructural literary analysis routinely applied to the Bible. The present volume seeks to redress this lack of contact between literary and historical studies. Contributions to the first part of the volume address various general aspects of the Qur’an’s political, economic, linguistic, and cultural context, while the second part contains a number of close readings of specific Qur’anic passages in the light of Judeo-Christian tradition and ancient Arabic poetry, as well as discussions of the Qur’an’s internal chronology and transmission history. Throughout, special emphasis is given to methodological questions.
This volume has emerged from the conference ’Historische Sondierungen und methodische Reflexionen zur Korangenese: Wege zur Rekonstruktion des vorkanonischen Koran’ January 2004, Berlin
Table des matières
Introduction 1 (26)
Nicolai Sinai
Angelika Neuwirth
Part One : The Qur’an’s Historical Context
The Martyrs of Najran and the End of the
Himyar : On the Political History of South
Arabia in the Early Sixth Century
Norbert Nebes
Arabia in Late Antiquity : An Outline of the
Cultural Situation in the Peninsula at the
Time of Muhammad
Barbara Finster
Mecca on the Caravan Routes in Pre-Islamic
Mikhail D. Bukharin
Early Islam in the Light of Christian and
Jewish Sources
Harold Suermann
The Evolving Representation of the Early
Islamic Empire and its Religion on Coin
Stefan Heidemann
Arabo-Aramaic and Arabiyya: From Ancient
Arabic to Early Standard Arabic, 200 CE-600
Ernst Axel Knauf
{Literacy in Pre-Islamic Arabia: An Analysis
of the Epigraphic Evidence}
Peter Stein
{ Arabs and Arabic in the Age of the Prophet}
Jan Retso
{ Sources for the History of Pre-Islamic
Tilman Seidensticker
Ibad of al-Hira : An Arab Christian
Community in Late Antique Iraq
Isabel Toral-Niehoff
An Early Christian Arabic Account of the
Creation of the World
Kirill Dmitriev
The Qur’an and the Prophet’s Poet : Two Poems
Agnes Imhof
Part Two : Contextualizing the Qur’an
The Qur’an as Process
Nicolai Sinai
Quantitative Text Analysis and Its
Application to the Qur’an : Some Preliminary
Nora K. Schmid
Al-Hawamim : Intertextuality and Coherence
in Meccan Surahs
Islam Dayeh
The House of Abraham and the House of
Amram : Genealogy, Patriarchal Authority,
and Exegetical Professionalism
Angelika Neuwirth
Glimpses of a Mariology in the Qur’an : From
Hagiography to Theology via
Religious-Political Debate
Michael Marx
The ``Seal of the Prophets’’ : Towards an
Understanding of Muhammad’s Prophethood
Hartmut Bobzin
Reading the Qur’an as Homily : The Case of
Sarah’s Laughter
Gabriel Said Reynolds
The Qur’anic Commandment of Writing Down
Loan Agreements (Q 2:282)---Perspectives of
a Comparison with Rabbinical Law
Reimund Leicht
Islam in its Arabian Context
Francois de Blois
Lost in Philology ? The Virgins of Paradise
and the Luxenberg Hypothesis
Stefan Wild
The Etymological Fallacy and Qur’anic
Studies : Muhammad, Paradise, and Late
Walid A. Saleh
The Relevance of Early Arabic Poetry for
Qur’anic Studies Including Observations on
Kull and on Q 22:27, 26:225, and 52:31
Thomas Bauer
Qur’anic Readings of the Psalms
Angelika Neuwirth
The Codification of the Qur’an : A Comment
on the Hypotheses of Burton and Wansbrough
Gregor Schoeler
The Second Masahif Project : A Step Towards
the Canonization of the Qur’anic Text
Omar Hamdan
List of Contributors 837
(Source Brill)