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The Qur’an and its interpreters (Mahmoud AYOUB)

The Qur'an and its interpreters (Mahmoud AYOUB)

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Mahmoud AYOUB est professeur d’études islamique et de religion comparée à l’université de Temple (Philadelphie, EU). B.A. (Philosophy), American University of Beirut 1964 M.A. (Religious Thought), University of Pennsylvania 1966 Ph.D. (History of Religion), Harvard University 1975


The Qur’an and its Interpreters introduces the Western reader to the Qur’an as Muslims have understood it.

The record of the Qur’an in the community as a force shaping the life of Muslims can be most clearly discerned through the vast literature of interpretation known as tafsir. This multivolume work is based on a large number of tafsir sources, representing all the major religious schools and stages of Muslim history for the last one thousand years. It will cover the entire Qur’an.

This first volume consists of an introduction to the science and sources of interpretation of the Qur’an and the first two surahs of the Qur’an. The treatment is comprehensive and thorough. While the work is based entirely on primary sources, this volume includes a substantial bibliography of works on the Qur’an in Western languages.

The Qur’an is the word of God as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, interiorized by the community, then shaped into an earthly book whose original archetype is with God. Dr. Ayoub concerns himself not with the history of the Qur’an, but with the way it was collected and fixed into an official codex, the recension of which has voiced the community’s prayers and devotions, set its legal norms and moral standards, and occupied its best minds for more than thirteen hundred years.

Table des matières

Notes on Style
Key to Sources
Scope, Method, and Sources
The Qur’an and Its Bearers
The Principles and Development of Tafsir

Surat al-Fatihah (The Opening)
Occasion of Revelation and Titles of Surat al-Fatihah
The Excellences of Surat al-Fatihah
Verses of Surat al-Fatihah
Tafsir: Verse 1
Verse 2
Verses 3-4
Verses 5-6
Verse 7

Surat al-Baqarah (The Cow)
Occasion of Revelation and Titles of Surat al-Baqarah
Excellences of Surat al-Baqarah
Tafsir: Verse 1-286
Arabic Sources Consulted
Bibliography of Major Words on the Qur’an in Western Languages

(Source Suny Press)

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