Charles Cutler Torrey (1863-1956) était un historien et archéologue américain. Professeur de langues sémitiques à l’Université de Yale, il fut l’auteur de quelques travaux concernant le prime Islam.
Présentation de l’ouvrage (par l’auteur)
L’ouvrage rassemble cinq conférences données dans le cadre de "The Hilda Stich Stroock" (lectures at The Jewish institute of religion) et tenues en mars 1931.
Extrait de la préface
"When, in consultation with President Wise and Dr. Kohut, I chose this subject for the Lectures on the Stroock Foundation, I did so partly because of my belief, long held, that some important matters relating to Mohammed and the quran Koran are in need of a fresh examination ; partly also in the conviction that the Arabian prophet and his marvellous book are in themselves of such great interest that even a somewhat technical discussion may be given a hearing by the layman. The subject has a certain timeliness by reason of the many recent investigations in its field, and also because of the presence of new material relating to conditions in ancient Arabia (...)
The Lectures were delivered in March, 1931, but for various reasons it was not found practicable to publish them at once. Lectures I, IV, and V are given here very nearly in the form in which they were delivered. Lectures II and III, as they are here published, show a very considerable expansion and rearrangement, each containing an amount of material which is too technical to be inflicted on a popular audience." (Charles Cutler Torrey)
Table des matières
1. Preface
2. The Jews of Arabia
3.The Genesis of the New Faith
4. Allah and Islam in ancient History (publié dans The origins of the Koran, p. 293-330)
5. The narratives of the Koran (publié dans The origins of the Koran, p. 330-348)
6. Mohammed’s legislation