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Publication de "Feminist Edges of the Qur’an" par Aysha A. Hidayatullah (Juillet 2014)

Publication de "Feminist Edges of the Qur'an" par Aysha A. (…)

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Le Livre

Hidayatullah (Aysha A.), Feminist Edges of the Qur’an, Oxford University Press/USA, 2014, 304 p. ISBN 978-0-19-935957-8


Aysha A. Hidayatullah est maître de conférence au Département de Théologie et d’études religieuses de l’Université de San Francisco.


Aysha A. Hidayatullah offers the first comprehensive examination of contemporary feminist Qur’anic interpretation, exploring its dynamic challenges to Islamic tradition and contemporary Muslim views of the Qur’an. She analyzes major feminist readings of the Qur’an beginning in the late twentieth century, synthesizing their common concepts and methods and revealing their vital part in the development of the nascent field of Qur’anic tafsir (exegesis).

Hidayatullah contributes her own critical assessment of feminist ’’impasses’’ in the Qur’anic text and the field’s appeals to the principles of equality and justice. She expands these observations into a radical critique of feminist approaches to the Qur’an, arguing that the feminist exegetical endeavor has reached a point of irresolvable contradiction by making claims about the Qur’an that are not fully supported by the text. Hidayatullah outlines major challenges to the authority of feminist interpretations of the Qur’an and interrogates the feminist premises on which they have relied, questioning the viability of current strands of feminist Qur’anic interpretation and proposing a major revision of its exegetical positions.

Table des matieres


Part I : Historical Emergence of Feminist Qur’anic Interpretation
Chapter 1 : History of Tafsir
Chapter 2 : The Frames of Feminism
Chapter 3 : Relationships to Co-Religionists and the State

Part II : Three Interpretive Methods of Feminist Qur’anic Interpretation
Chapter 4 : Historical Contextualization Method
Chapter 5 : Intra-Textual Method
Chapter 6 : The Tawhidic Paradigm

Part III : Critiques of Feminist Qur’anic Interpretation
Chapter 7 : Initial Conclusions
Chapter 8 : A Critical Reassessment
Chapter 9 : Confronting Feminist Edges

Appendix of Qur’anic Verses

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