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Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans, Possibly Pre-Othmanic (MINGANA Alphonse & SMITH LEWIS Agnes)

Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans, Possibly Pre-Othmanic (MINGANA Alphonse (…)

Home > Bibliography/Web > Books > Historical Method > Ouvrages en anglais > Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans, Possibly Pre-Othmanic (MINGANA Alphonse (…)

The authors

Alphonse Mingana est célèbre pour l’énorme collection d’ouvrages (660 manuscrits syriaques et plus de 2000 manuscrits arabes, dont 270 oeuvres par les chrétiens arabes) qu’il rassembla à la suite de plusieurs voyages au Proche-Orient. Cette collection qui porte son nom se trouve à Selly Oak, en la ville de Birmingham.
Parmi les ouvrages rapportés figurent un grand nombre de manuscrits islamiques, y compris deux recueils de fragments coraniques datant suppose-t-on du 8e et 9e siècles.

Une biographie en ligne par Samir Khalil Samir SJ.

Agnes Smith Lewis (1843–1926) est une sémitisante célèbre pour avoir entre autre découvert un manuscrit du IVème s. contenant une version syriaque des quatre évangiles.


Originally published in 1914, this book contains a transcription of leaves from three Arabic Qurans, purchased in Egypt in 1895. Lewis and Mingana date the sections to pre-Othmanic Islam, and each reveal surprising variations in the original Quranic texts. This book, which was controversial at the time of its first publication, will be of value to anyone with an interest in early Quranic palimpsests and Islamic history.


The manuscript from which these leaves are taken was bought by me at Suez from a commercial antiquary on his travels in 1895. It is a palimpsest, the upper script being a series of closely-written Homilies in Arabic by early Christian Fathers, such as Theodosius, Chrysostorn and Mar Jacob. (p. I)


Introduction (I-XLII)
Index of Proper Names (XLIII-XLV)
Reproduction de manuscrits et retranscription (1-75)

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