Majid Daneshgar, Ph.D. (2013) in Religion, University of Malaya, is a lecturer at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He has published on modern studies of the Qurʾān, modern Islamic exegetical works and Malay-Indonesian Qurʾanic Studies. His book The Qurʾān in the Malay-Indonesian World: Context and Interpretation, co-edited with Peter Riddell and Andrew Rippin, was published in June 2016.
Walid A. Saleh, Ph.D. (2001) in Religious Studies, Yale University, is Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto. He has published on the history of tafsīr, the Qurʾān and Islamic apocalyptic literature. His books The Formation of the Classical Tafsīr Tradition and In Defense of the Bible were published by Brill in 2004 and 2008 respectively.

Islamic Studies Today: Essays in Honor of Andrew Rippin, is a collection of essays on the Qur’ān, qur’anic exegesis, the early history of Islam, the relationship of the qur’anic text to writings from other religious traditions, and the use of the Qur’ān in modern discussions and debates. Its scope is medieval and modern contexts and it covers regions right across the Muslim world. The essays are based on and reflect Rippin’s broad interests and methodological innovations; his studies of text transmissions, hermeneutical studies of the Qur’ān; careful unpacking of the complex relations between qur’anic exegesis and historical contexts; and exploring potential new methodologies for future research.
With contributions by: Herbert Berg, Stefano Bigliardi, Majid Daneshgar, Bruce Fudge, Claude Gilliot, Andreas Görke
Feras Hamza, Gerald Hawting, Aaron W. Hughes, Tariq Jaffer, Marianna Klar, Jane McAuliffe, Arnold Yasin Mol, Angelika Neuwirth, Gordon Nickel, Johanna Pink, Michael E. Pregill, Gabriel S. Reynolds, Peter G. Riddell, Walid A. Saleh, Nicolai Sinai, Roberto Tottoli
Table des matières
– Preface
– Acknowledgments
– List of figures and tables
– List of contributors
Part I Islamic Exegesis and Tradition: Formative and Classical Period
– “A Plaything for Kings”: ʿĀʾisha’s Ḥadīth, Ibn al-Zubayr, and Rebuilding the Kaʿba Gerald Hawting
– Remnants of an Old Tafsīr Tradition? The Exegetical Accounts of ʿUrwa b. al-Zubayr Andreas Görke
– Muqātil on Zayd and Zaynab: “The sunna of Allāh concerning those who passed away before” (Q 33:38) Gordon Nickel
– Sabab/Asbāb al-Nuzūl as a Technical Term: Its Emergence and Application in the Islamic Sources Roberto Tottoli
– Laylat al-Qadr as Sacred Time: Sacred Cosmology in Sunnī Kalām and Tafsīr Arnold Yasin Mol
– Is there Covenant Theology in Islam? Tariq Jaffer
Part II The Qurʾān and Qurʾanic Studies: Issues and Themes
– The Qurʾān’s Enchantment of the World. “Antique” Narratives Refashioned in Arab Late Antiquity Angelika Neuwirth
– Messianism and the Shadow of History: Judaism and Islam in a Time of Uncertainty Aaron W. Hughes
– Some Reflections on Borrowing, Influence, and the Entwining of Jewish and Islamic Traditions; or, What the Image of a Calf Might Do Michael E. Pregill
– Inheriting Egypt: The Israelites and the Exodus in the Meccan Qurʾān Nicolai Sinai
– Re-examining Textual Boundaries: Towards a Form-Critical Sūrat al-Kahf Marianna Klar
– Philology and the Meaning of Sūrat al-Burūj Bruce Fudge
– A Flawed Prophet? Noah in the Qurʾān and Qurʾanic Commentary Gabriel S. Reynolds
Part III Islam, Qurʾān, and Tafsīr: Modern Discussions
– An Asiatic and Moslem Jesus: Deracinating and Reracinating Jesus by Drew Ali Herbert Berg
– Reading the Qurʾān Chronologically: An Aid to Discourse Coherence and Thematic Development Peter G. Riddell
– The Fig, the Olive, and the Cycles of Prophethood: Q 95:1–3 and the Image of History in Early 20th-Century Qurʾanic Exegesis Johanna Pink
– The “Scientific Miracle of the Qurʾān”: Map and Assessment Stefano Bigliardi
– Locating the “Esoteric” in Islamic Studies Feras Hamza
– Western Non-Muslim Qurʾanic Studies in Muslim Academic Contexts: On Rippin’s Works from the Middle East to the Malay-Indonesian World Majid Daneshgar
– A Concluding Appreciation Jane McAuliffe
– Andrew Rippin : La Sainte Sagesse et Le Saint Silence (Ἁγία Σοφία, Ἁγία σιγή) Claude Gilliot
– Appendix: Publications by Andrew Rippin
– Index