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Islam’s understanding of itself (Hovannisian Richard G. & Vyronis Speros, Jr, eds.)

Islam's understanding of itself (Hovannisian Richard G. & Vyronis (…)

Accueil > Bibliographie/Sites > Ouvrages > Approche historico-critique > Ouvrages en anglais > Islam’s understanding of itself (Hovannisian Richard G. & Vyronis (…)

Table des matières

Presentation of award to eighth recipient, W. Montgomery Watt / Speros Vyronis, Jr.

 Self-images of Islam in the Qurʾān and later / W. Montgomery Watt.
 Muhammad’s understanding of himself—the Koranic data / Alford T. Welch.

 Islam in the mirror of ritual. - William A. Graham.
 Institutionalized learning as a self-image of Islam / George Makdisi.
 The Islamic philosophers’ conception of Islam / Michael E. Marmura.
 The Sufis and the Shahāda / Annemarie Schimmel.
 Islam in modern Europe / David Kerr