Présentation générale
The International Journal of Middle East Studies publishes original research on politics, society and culture in the Middle East from the seventh century to the present day. The journal also covers Spain, south-east Europe, and parts of Africa, South Asia, and the former Soviet Union for subjects of relevance to Middle Eastern civilization. Particular attention is paid to the history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, literature, and cultural studies of the area and to comparative religion, theology, law, and philosophy. (Lire la suite)
Articles (entre 1970 -n°1- et février 2009 -n°41-)
– Qui a Commenté L’Ensemble Des Sourates Al-’Ankabūt à Yāsīn (29–36) Dans “Le Tafsīr Al-Kabīr” De L’imām Fakhr Al-Dīn Al-Rāzī ?, Jacques Jomier, Volume 11, Issue 04, July 1980, pp 467-485
– The True Meaning of Scripture : An Empirical Historian’s Nonreductionist Interpretation of the Qur’an, Wilfred Cantwell Smith, Volume 11, Issue 04, July 1980, pp 487-505
Période première de l’Islam
– The Rise and the Fall of Qadi Abd Al-Jabbar, Gabriel Said Reynolds, Volume 37, Issue 01, February 2005, pp 3-18
– Heterotopia and the Wine Poem in Early Islamic Culture, Yaseen Noorani, Volume 36, Issue 03, August 2004, pp 345-366
– Aspects of the Creed of Imam Ahamd Ibn Hanbal ; A Study of Anthropomorphism in early islamic discourse, Wesley Williams, Volume 34, Issue 03, August 2002, pp 441-463
– In Praise of the Caliphs : Re-Creating History from the Manāqib Literature, Asma Afsaruddin, Volume 31, Issue 03, August 1999, pp 329-350
– Harun Al-Rashid and The Mecca Protocol Of 802 : A plan For Division Or Succession ?
Tayeb El-Hibri, Volume 24, Issue 03, August 1992, pp 461-480
– The Quest of the Historical Muhammad, F. E. Peters, Volume 23, Issue 03, August 1991, pp 291-315
– Zaydi Shi’ism and the Hasanid Sharifs of Mecca, Richard T. Mortel, Volume 19, Issue 04, November 1987, pp 455-472
– Archetype and Attribution in Early Arabic Poetry : Al-Shanfarā and the Lāmiyyat ’Al-Arab
Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych, Volume 18, Issue 03, August 1986, pp 361-390
– Towards the Reappraisal of Classical Arabic Literature and History : Some Aspects of Tāhā Husayn’s Use of Modern western Criteria, Mohamed Al-Nowaihi, Volume 11, Issue 02, April 1980, pp 189-207
– The Significance of the Sunni Schools of Law in Islamic Religious History, George Makdisi, Volume 10, Issue 01, February 1979, pp 1-8
– Theodor Nöldeke’s “Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden” : An Evaluation,
Irfan Shahīd, Volume 8, Issue 01, January 1977, pp 117-122
– The Separation of State and Religion in the Development of Early Islamic Society, Ira M. Lapidus
International Journal of Middle East Studies , Volume 6, Issue 04, October 1975, pp 363-385
– Towards A Structural Analysis of Pre-Islamic Poetry, Kamal Abu-Deeb, International Journal of Middle East Studies , Volume 6, Issue 02, April 1975, pp 148-184
– In Memoriam Gustave E. Von Grunebaum, 1909–1972, Franz Rosenthal, International Journal of Middle East Studies , Volume 4, Issue 03, July 1973, pp 355-358
– The Murder of the Caliph ’Uthmân, Martin Hinds
International Journal of Middle East Studies , Volume 3, Issue 04, October 1972, pp 450-469
– Kûfan Political Alignments and their Background in the Mid-Seventh Century a.d., Martin Hinds, International Journal of Middle East Studies , Volume 2, Issue 04, October 1971, pp 346-367
– Poetic Genius and Poetic Jinni : The Case of Ibn Shuhayd, Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych, Volume 39, Issue 03, August 2007, pp 333-335
– Sayyid Qutb’s Doctrine of Jahiliyya, William E. Shepard, Volume 35, Issue 04, November 2003, pp 521-545.
– Abu al-thana’ Al-Alusi : an alim, ottoman mufti, and exegete of the Qur’an, Basheer M. Nafi, Volume 34, Issue 03, August 2002, pp 465-494
– The piety of the Hadith Folk, Christopher Melchert, Volume 34, Issue 03, August 2002, pp 425-439
– Carl Heinrich Becker : From old to Modern Islamology, Mark Batunsky, Volume 13, Issue 03, August 1981, pp 287-310
– Cairo University and the Orientalists, Donald Malcolm Reid, Volume 19, Issue 01, February 1987, pp 51-75