NOEGEL (Scott B.), WHEELER (Brannon M.), Historical dictionary of prophets in Islam and Judaism, Lanham, Md. ; Londres : Scarecrow Press, 2002, XXXVII+522 p. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 0-8108-4305-6
Les auteurs
Brannon M. Wheeler reçu son doctorat en langue et civilisation proche-orientales à l’Université de Chicago en 1993. Il enseigna au Macalester College, à Earlham College, à l’Université Vanderbilt et à l’Université d’Etat de Pennsylvanie. Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages, articles sur le droit islamique, du Coran. Il a collaboré à la rédaction d’articles dans des encyclopédies, dictionnaires, et revues en Arabie saoudite, le Koweït, la Grèce et la Russie. Il a été reçu dans nombres d’universités et centres de recherche dans les pays arabes et musulmans (Koweït, Jordanie, Égypte, Oman) mais aussi en Israël.
Scott B. Noegel est professeur d’études sémitique et biblique à l’Université de Washington.
Both traditions recognize and draw theological and historical lessons from some of the same narrative sources, but this is the first comparative resource to provide interdisciplinary coverage of the history and textual sources associated with prophets and prophecy. This thorough treatment of a difficult and increasingly controversial subject area will encourage and cultivate knowledge and understanding.
Table des matières (domaines d’études proposés)
1. Ancient Near Eastern Studies
2. Bible and Biblical Studies
3. Judaism and Jewish Studies
4. The Quran and Quranic Studies
5. Islam and Islamic Studies
Extraits de la préface
The core of this volume is the dictionary section, which focuses on four main areas : prophets ; texts ; scholars and scholarship ; and issues, concepts, and themes. The entries deal with a broad array of prophets and related figures, from Adam and Eve to Isaac to Moses to Jesus and his disciples to Muhammad. What we know about these figures is derived from essential texts, especially the Bible and Quran but many more as well, some barely known beyond specialist circles. The specialists and scholars are thus included, since it was they who interpreted and transmitted the texts. The loop is closed with entries on issues, concepts, and themes, among them prophecy, shamans, and oracles, but also ritual and law, ethics and mysticism, angelology and demonology. A selective bibliography can guide readers to further works of interest. (Jon Woronoff, Editeur)
Compte rendu Review
– lire Compte rendu/review de Devin Stewart