Il s’agit sans doute de la première encyclopédie islamique consacrée au Coran qui utilise abondamment les travaux occidentaux de l’orientalisme et de l’islamologie contemporaine. (Mehdi AZAIEZ)
Table des matières
Vol. I
A : 1. Abd Allah Ibn Abbas (d. 68/687) : Qur’anic interpreter. 2. Abd Al-Ra’uf of Singkel (1615-1693) : Qur’anic interpreter. 3. Abraham, prophet. 4. Abrogations. 5. Abu al-Ala Mawdudi (d. 1339/1979) : Qur’anic interpreter. 6. Abu Muhammad, Abd Allah, b. Muslim b. 7. Qutaybah al-Dinawari (d. 276/889) : Qur’anic interpreter. 8. The ad (People of Qur’an). 9. Adam’s Wife (Hawwa). 10. Adverse circumstances : way to overcome. 11. Ahl-i-ismah. 12. Ali Shariati : A Qur’anic interpreter. 13. Al-Alusi, Abu I-Thana (d. 1270/1854) : Qur’anic interpreter. 14. AMR. 15. Angels (Mala’ika). 16. AQL. 17. Arabia during the Qur’anic period. 18. The Arabs. 19. Asbab al-Nuzul (Occasions of revelation). 20. Astrology. 21. Astronomy. 22. Ayat (signs). 23. Aziz’s wife and prophet Joseph (Yusuf).
B : 1. The Bani-n-Nadir. 2. The Bani-Qainqa. 3. The Bani-Quraidhah. 4. Bilqis : Queen of Sheba. 4. Biodiversity.
C : 1. Character building : the Qur’anic attributes. 2. Characteristics of Qur’anic teachings : Qadiani point of view. 3. Chemistry. 4. Christian symbolism and typology in the Qur’an. 5. Co-existence : Qur’anic injunctions. 6. Compilation and the teachings of the Qur’an. 7. Cosmology. 8. Creation. 9. The creator. 10. The crucifixion of Jesus.
D : 1. Death, concept of... 2. Destruction of Abraha’s Army. 3. Divine attributes. 4. The divine message of the previous bearers. 5. Divorce, procedure of..E : 1. Ecological crisis and its solution. 2. Economic philosophy. 3. Education. 4. The environment. 5. Ethics. 6. Exegesis (Ta’wil). 7. Existence of God.
Vol. II
F : 1. Fast (Siyam). 2. Fatwa. 3. Faydi and his undotted Tafsir of the Qur’an. 4. Fazlar Rahman : Qur’anic interpreter. 5. Fiqh. 6. Forgiveness. 7. Freedom of religious belief.
G : 1. God. 2. God’s throne and the biblical symbolism. 3. The Government.
H : 1. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca). 2. Hamza B. Habib B. ’Umara B. Isma’il : readers of the Qur’an. 3. Hasan Askari : Qur’anic interpreter. 4. Hayat (life). 5. Health and healing. 6. History of the Qur’an. 7. Hud. 8. Human development. 9. Human effort for knowing the God’s mind. 10. The human eye and vision. 11. The human intelligence. 12. Human intelligence and artificial intelligence. 13. The human soul. 14. Humanism.
I : 1. Ibn-Abbas’s Al-Lughat Fi’I-Qur’an. 2. Ibn Al-Amin Mahmud Kamel : a reader of the Qur’an (d. 118/736). 3. Ibn Al-Banna : Qur’anic scholar (1005-1079). 4. Ibn Kathir (701/1301-774/1373) : Qur’anic interpreter. 5. Ibn Mas’ud : a reader of the Qur’an. 6. Ilyas. 7. Iman and Ilm. 8. Implication of choice. 9. Industry. 10. Inheritance. 11. Inimitability. 12. Injuring oneself. 13. Insan. 14. Inspiration, revelation and prayer. 15. Instincts, dispositions and propensities. 16. Interest, the Qur’anic theories of...17. Interpretation of the Qur’an. 18. Iqbal, Schopenhauer and the Qur’an. 19. Ishak. 20. Islam as defined in the Qur’an. 21. Ismail ibn Abd-al-Rahman al-Suddi (d.127/744). 22. Isma’il.
J : 1. Ja’far Ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (d.148/765). 2. Jerusalem. 3. Jesus. 4. Jihad. 5. Jinn. 6. The Jurhamites : people of Qur’an.
K : 1. Kalam. 2. Kawthwar (Abundant Goodness). 3. Al-Khadir (Al-Khidr). 4. Khalq (Creation). 5. Khazin.
Vol. III
L : 1. Law. 2. Law of nature and law of Shari’at. 3. Life after death. 4. Light and darkness. 5. The lightning. 6. The Lihyanites : people of the Qur’an. 7. Living together, the Qur’anic view of...8. Luqman : a legendary Hero.
M : 1. Makki, Abu Muhammad Makki B. Abi Talib B : reader of Qur’an. 2. Mamadou Dia : Qur’anic interpreter. 3. Man. 4. Mary and A’isha. Mary : mother of Jesus. 5. Mathematics. 6. Al-Maturidi : a Qur’anic commentator. 7. Maulana Azad’s understanding of the Qur’an. 8. Maulana Maudadi : a Qur’anic commentator. 9. Al-Mazini : the Qur’an reader. 10. Medicine. 11. Metaphysical world. 12. The minaeans : people of Qur’an. 13. Miracles. 14. Modernists approach to the Qur’an : Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Moulvi Chiragh Ali. 15. The month (Shahr). 16. Moral code of conduct. 17. Morality and social behaviour. 18. The mosques. 19. Al-Muddaththir and Al-Muzzammil. 20. Muhammad and Jesus. 21. Muhammad and Mary. 22. Muhammad B. ahmad : the Qur’an interpreter. 23. Muhammad Ibn Ishaq (d. 150-51/767-68). 24. Muhammad, prophet. 25. Muhammad Tahir, Ali Patani Guj-Arati Jamal al-Din (914/1508-986/1578). 26. Mujahid b. Jabr al-Makki (d. 104/722). 27. Mulk (royal power). 28. Mu’min (names of the God). 29. Al-Munafiqun (the Hypocritic). 30. Muqatil, Sulayman b. Bashir al-Azdi al-Khurasani al-Balkhi abu’l-Hasan (d. 150/767). 31. Muqatta’at. 32. Musa, prophet. 33. Mushaf. 34. Music in Qur’anic recitation. 35. Muslim, concept of a true.
N : 1. Nadhir (Warner). 2. Nadhr (Vow). 3. Nafs. 4. Nafi, abd al-Rahman b. Abi Nu’aym al-Lay thi (the Qur’an readers). 5. The nation. 6. Al-Nisaburi, al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. Habib b. Ayyub Abu’l-Qasim. 7. Qur’anic scholar. 8. Non-Violence. 9. Nuh (the Noah). 10. Numerological findings.
O : 1. Origin of life. 2. The other world.
Vol. IV
P : 1. Paul and the Qur’an. 2. Philosophy. 3. Physics. 4. Physiology. 5. Pickthall, Muhammad Marmaduke : first Muslim English translator of the Qur’an. 6. The pilgrimage. 7. Political philosophy. 8. Politics and leadership. 9. Predestination and free Will. 10. Prophecies of the Qur’an. 11. Psychiatry and Psycho-analysis. 12. Psychology. 13. Psycho-therapy.
Q : 1. Al-Qada ’W’ al-Qadar (the Decree of God). 2. Qatl (Killing). 3. Qira’a (recitation). 4. Qiyama (resurrection). 5. The Qur’an analysed by computer. 6. The Qur’an and the bible. 7. The Qur’an 32:27—a comment. 8. The Qur’an and Hindu revelation. 9. The Qur’an and modern time. 10. The Qur’an and the modern world. 11. The Qur’an and the new testament : comparative study. 12. The Qur’an and philosophy. 13. The Qur’an as the source of history. 14. The Qur’an in secular India Al-Qur’an Umm Al-Kitab. 15. Qur’anic puzzle and its solution. 16. The Qur’anic view of other religions. 17. Al-Qushayri (d. 465/1074).
R : 1. Rahma (Kindness). 2. Rahmat (Graciousness). 3. Rashid Rida (d. 1354/1935) : The Qur’anic commentator. 4. Al-Razi 9d. 606/1209). 5. Reasoning. 6. Redemption, the idea of.. 7. Religio-communal terms and concepts. 8. Revelation. 9. The rights of divorced woman during her waiting period. 10. The role of the Qur’an in the development of the Shari’a. 11. Rububiyat (Divine Providence). 12. Ruh (Soul).
S : 1. Sadjda. 2. Al-Sadjawandi, Abu Abd Allah : the Qur’an reader. 3. Al-Saffat. 4. Sahifa. 5. Sakhkhara. 6. Salam (Peace). 7. Salat (Ritual prayer). 8. Salih (prophet). 9. Salvation. 10. Sara (wife of Ibrahim). 11. Sarab. 12. Satan. 13. Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) : Qur’anic interpreter. 14. Self-control. 15. Sexology. 16. Al-Shatibi, Abu ’L-Qasim B. Firruh B. Khalaf B. Ahmad al-Ru’ainy (1144-1194) : Qur’anic reader. 17. Shaya. 18. Shirk (associationism). 19. Shu’ayb (a prophet). 20. Sickness. 21. Sidjil. 22. Sidjdjin (prison). 23. Sidrat al-Muntaha (lote tree on the boundary). 24. Sin, the concept of..
Vol. V
1. Slavery. 2. Socio-religious commandments. 3. Social system and sub-systems. 4. Social training. 5. Sociology. 6. Sovereignty. 7. Spiritual universe. 8. State. 9. Subhan (glory be to God). 10. Successful living : the Qur’anic approach. 11. Sufis interpretation of the Qur’an. 12. Sultan. 13. Al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505). 14. Symbols and typology of Jesus Christ.
T : 1. Tafsir literature : its origin and development. 2. The Tasm and Jadis : people of the Qur’an. 3. Tauhid, Shirk and Hijrah. 4. Tawrat and Injil. 5. The Thamud : people of Qur’an. 6. Translations of the holy Qur’an.
U : 1. Ultimate destiny of man and its mode. 2. Ummah. 3. Unbelievers. 4. Understanding the Qur’an in text and context. 5. Universalism and particularism.
V : 1. The Veil. 2. The Virtues.
W : 1. Wahb Ibn Munnabih’s interpretation of crucifixation. 2. The Wahhabi and Sufi approaches : The Qur’an in relation to the modern world. 3. War psychology. 4. Women. 5. Women in the prophets life. 6. Words about God. 7. Wudu (lesser ablution).
Z : 1. Zainab bint Jahsh. 2. Zakat (purification). Index.