Thomas Wright (21 avril 1810 - Décembre 23, 1877) était un antiquaire et un historien anglais.
Il vécut à Londres et participa à la British Archaeological Association et la Société Percy, le Camden et la société de Shakespeare. En 1842, il a été élu membre correspondant de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres de Paris, et a été boursier de la Société des antiquaires ainsi que membre de plusieurs autres institutions savantes britanniques et étrangères. En 1859, il dirigea les fouilles de la ville romaine de Viroconium (Wroxeter), près de Shrewsbury, et a publié un rapport. Il mourut à Chelsea.
(Source : http://www.archive.org/stream/p2alumnicantabri06univuoft#page/598/mode/2up)
When the following pages were written, the author, who was then very young, pursued with at least considerable zeal the study of the Oriental languages and literature, a study which, upon his entering the university, he laid aside, not again to be resumed. The historical essay now published was written in the belief that the events which it relates had received but little attention in this country, and had never been presented in a popular form to English readers ; and at the same time he thought, as he is still inclined to think, that they form an interesting episode in the history of mankind, and that they are a necessary introduction to our knowledge of the origin of that religion which has exercised so mighty an influence on the whole world during the middle ages. He had preserved the manuscript without any determinate idea of publishing it, until the general interest in the affairs of the East which has been raised by the great events that are now taking place has led him to believe that his sketch of the history of Christianity in Arabia before it was subverted by the arms of Muhammed and his followers might find a sufficient number of readers to justify its publication.
It seemed necessary to make this statement both as an explanation and as an apology ; and it is but right to add that the whole is here printed as it was written for, as the author’s studies have for some years run in an entirely different direction ; he has not ventured upon a revision of this slight memorial of former labours. He has not attempted to approach in any way the question of the orthography of Oriental names, which is one on which even Oriental scholars are not at all agreed, and in which many changes have taken place since these pages were written ; but he believes that his original desire was to adopt such forms as, without being vulgarly corrupt, would sound least harsh to those who were not acquainted with the languages to which they belongs.
14, Sydney Street, Brompton,
January, 1855.
Table des matières
Sec. I. — Sketch of the People and physical Geography of Arabia Eelix ........ 1
Sec. II. — History of Hamyar, and of the expeditions of the Tobbaas till the introduction of Christianity . 13
Sec. III. — Introduction of Christianity into Arabia Felix, or Hamyar — Eruinentius — Theophilus Indus — The later Tobbaas . . . . ’ . . . .20
Sec. IV. — The ancient state of Ethiopia, or Abyssinia —
Its connection with Hamyar — Martyrdom of the
Christians of Nadjran — Conquest of Yaman . . 40
Sec. V. — Early history of Hirah and Ghassan — The Mu-
louk-al-Towaeif — Subjection of the northern Arabs
to Eome— Introduction of Christianity amongst them
— Persian wars — Euthymius — Simeon Stylites — Saba 68
Sec. VI. — Embassy from Justinian to Ethiopia — Evolution in Taman — Accession of Abrahah . . .80
Sec. VII. — Eeign of Abrahah— Condition of Christianity
in Yaman — St. Gregentius — Expedition against
Mecca 92
Sec. VIII. — Hostile occupation of Hirah by Hareth —
Death of Kobad — Accession of Noushirwan — War
between Hirah and Ghassan — and between Persia and
Eome — Arabian Poets — Lebid — Amru’1-Kais . . 101
Sec IX. — Origin of the Monophysite heresy — Council
of Constantinople — of Ephesus — of Chalcedon — its
consequences — Progress of the Eutychians in the reign
of Anastasius — Severus — The persecution by Jus-
tinian 109
Sec X. — Progress of the Monophysite doctrines in Arabia,
&c. — Jacobus Barada ?us — Their progress in Abyssinia
— in Mesopotamia and the north of Arabia — Turbu-
lence of the Arabian chiefs — State of Christianity in
Arabia Eelix — The Phantasiasts — Divisions between
the Arabs and Romans — History of Mondar, king of
Ghassan — and his son ...... 125
Sec. XI.— Domestic dissensions amongst the Arabs—
Their Battles— Poets— Hareth— Amru ben Kelthum
— Ascha— Christianity in Hirah— Conversion of No-
man abu Kabus ^’
Sec. XII.— Last Abyssinian kings of Yaruan— History
of Seif Dzi Jezen— Invasion and conquest of Hamyar
by the Persians— Death of Seif— Hamyar reduced to
a province of Persia **5
Sec. XIII.— Birth of Muhammed— History of Muham-
med to the fall of Mecca— Poets— Caab, Lebid, &c.
— Views of Muhammed— his Beligion — Character-
Literature of Arabia— Muhammed’ s attempts on the
Idolaters— on the Christians— and on the Jews . 152
Sec. XIV.— Wars between the Persians, Koinans, and
northern Arabs under Maurice and Heraclius— Pro-
gress of Muhammed against the Christians of Arabia
Message to the king of Persia — Death of Khosroes
p arv iz— Conversion of Badhan— Dissensions among
the Christians- Copts— Christians of Nadj ran— Chris-
tians of Arabia seek protection from Muhammed—
Gabala, last king of Ghassan— Embassy of Heraclius
— Battle of Muta— Conquest of Hirah— Death of Mu-
hammed— State of the Christians in Arabia, Ac-
Conquest of Syria -Conclusion .... 17o
(A) History of the tribes of Tasm and Hodais . . 190
(B) History of Dzu Nowass 192