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Corpus Coranicum (Textdokumentation und Kommentar zum Koran)

Corpus Coranicum (Textdokumentation und Kommentar zum Koran)

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The project "Corpus Coranicum" contains two unworked fields of qur’anic studies : (1) the documentation of the qur’anic text in his handwritten as well as orally transmitted form and (2) a comprehensive commentary which elucidates the text within the framework of its historical process of development.

Because of the ambiguity of the early defective writing system of the Qur’anic manuscripts, a strict separation of the data on the one hand provided by manuscripts and on the other hand transmitted via the tradition of recitation is recommended. The documentation of the Qur’anic text will provide a documentation for both traditions and compare them afterwards.

The planned commentary focuses on a historical perspective, the Qur’an seen as a text which evolved through the period of more than twenty years, thereby getting formal and content-related differences through abrogation and re-definitions within the text. Furthermore, the commentary is based on an inclusion of the judeo-christian intertexts and looks at the Qur’an as a document of the Late Antiquity. "Corpus Coranicum" is in the early stage of its development ; the first results are planned to be published online in 2009.


CORPUS CORANICUM Textual documentation and historical critical commentary on the Qur’an

Voir en ligne : site du Corpus Coranicum