Maulvi Aboo Muhammad Abdul Haqq, of Delhi, the
learned commentator of the Qoran, has written a number of books on Theology and other subjects. Al Bayan,
an inexhaustive work of unique fame and force on comparative religions, held as an Introduction to his Comment
ary on the Qoran, was at first published by the author in the Indo-Arabic language. It treats of all the old and
new religions, and it is so skilfully based on logical arguments and reasonable statements that an intelligent and
truth-loving person unhesitatingly declares that no writing better than this has hitherto appeared on the subject.
Some friends of Islam asked the author to make an English translation of the Indo-Arabic version, in order that the
English knowing and the English speaking communities
may be benefited thereby. Hence, according to the kind
direction of the learned author, the translator has tried his
best to prepare one in English which is now ready for public
use. English is now so widely known all over the world
and so extensively spoken by a greater ^part of mankind
that it is no wonder if it be held within a short period a
lingua franca of all the civilized world. Therefore, to
prepare and introduce to the public a work of this nature
in English is really to open the way for the truth of Islam
among the most civilized non-Mohamedan countries of
Europe and America.
Muhammed Shafqat Ullah Siddiqi, of Budaon.
Table des matières
1. Knowledge gained by external senses
2. ,, ,, internal senses .
Grades of knowledge gained by Revelation
by means of signs and emblems . : .
Extracts of the discussion
The last and the greatest of all the prophets of God is Mohamed, together with arguments
SECTION II. God s attributes
III. God is Creator of the universe
IV. Parabolical attributes
V. Sanctification
VI. The Angels
VII. Origin of geneii . .
VIII. Soul
IX. Resurrection and the next world
X. Prophets and inspiration
Discussions with brief answers
Objections .. .. ;
Sinlessness of the prophets
Objections and answers
State of the world at the time Mohamed ap
Foundation of Kaaba, &c.
A brief sketch of the life of Mohamed
Manners and habits
The blessed features of our prophet
The Teaching of crusade
A reasonable judgment of polygamy
SECTION II.(contd.)
Objections of the antagonists together with their
answers . . . . . .
SECTION III. Inspiration of the Qoran. its recent order and
collection . . . . . .
Objections and answers . . . .
SECTION IV. On various readings .. ..
V. On the order of verses and Suras . . . .
VI. State of the world at the time the Holy Qoran
was inspired .. .. ..
Judaism and Christianity . . . .
The Magician religion and its sects ... . .
The Vedas .. V : ! ..
The Budha or Bodhs . . . . . .
The Jains .. .. ..
SECTION VII. Sciences of the Qoran . . . .
Prayers . . . .
Fasting .. ..
Zakât (A fixed portion of alms) . . . .
Pilgrimage to Mekka (Hajj) .. ..
Declaration of the word Unity with its minor points . .
Objections against the Holy Qoran and their
answers .. .. ..
The Four Imams (leaders) of Sunnis . .
SECTION VIII. Style of the Qoran .. .. ..
, IX. On some means of oratory . . . .
,, X. Some Principles of Eloquence .. ..
XI. Figurative Language .. .. ..
,, XII. Method of the Qoranic argumentation ..
– XIII. Abrogation .. .. ..
XIV. Verses which treat of the commandments ..
,, XV. Terminology . . . . . .
XVI. Comments and interpretations . . . .
Orders of the Commentators . . . .
Translation . . . . . .
XVII. Islam is a true religion . . . .
The question of crusade . . . .
A comparison between Rishees and prophets,
Moses, Jesus and Mohamed . . . .
Predictions concerning Mohamed . . . .
XVIII. The objections of the opponents together with
their answers . . . .
SECTION I. The Old and the New Testaments
II. The books that were lost
Discussions and inquiries on the Nw Testament .. "
III. The Holy Qoran commends the Old and the New Testaments
IV. The Christian Sects . . . . . .
V. Discussions on the Vedas ..
The time the Vedas were compiled
Subjects of the Vedas ..
A claim of the Ariyas . .
The Books of the Hindu religion ..
VI. The Zoroastrians