Majid Daneshgar teaches Islamic Studies at the University of Otago, New Zealand. His research interests pertain to the connection between Islamic intellectual and exegetical progress in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as well as Malay Islamic studies. His main volumes are : Islamic Studies Today : Essays in Honor of Andrew Rippin, co-edited with Walid A. Saleh (Brill 2016) and The Qur’an in the Malay-Indonesian World : Context and Interpretation, co-edited with Peter G. Riddell and Andrew Rippin (Routledge 2016)
This book examines the intersection between Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī (1862-1940) and Egyptian history and culture, and demonstrates that his approach to science in the Qurʾān was intimately connected to his social concerns. Divided into three parts, part one contains three chapters which each introduce different aspects of Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī himself. The second part explores the main aspects of his tafsīr, discussing his approach to science and the Qurʾān, and how he presented Europeans in his tafsīr, and then addressing the impact of his tafsīr on wider Muslim and non-Muslim society. The third section draws attention to the themes from all 114 sūras of the Qurʾān that are discussed within his commentary. It then analyses the current status of his views and the post-Jawharism perspective on science and the Qurʾān, both today and in an imaginary future, in 2154.
Providing new English translations of Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī’s work, the book delivers a comprehensive assessment of this unique figure, and emphasises the distinctive nature of his reading of the Qurʾān. The book will be a valuable resource for anyone studying modern Egypt, the Qurʾān, Islam and Science, scientific interpretation and inimitability.
Table des matières
PART ONE : Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī : His Life and Thoughts
1 Introduction : Rational Progress and the Reception of a Modern Tafsīr
2 Background and Social Concerns
3 A Mufassir and Nature
PART TWO : Inside and Outside of a Tafsīr
4 An Approach to Science in the Qurʾān
5 Europeans in a Twentieth-Century Tafsīr : A Different View
6 Post-Jawharism : Maurice Bucaille, the Qurʾān and Science
PART THREE : Reading the Qurʾān with Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī
7 114 Sūras Final Thought
Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī’s books and treatises
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity