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Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (Michel LAGARDE)

Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (Michel LAGARDE)

Accueil > Bibliographie/Sites > Collections > English Collections > Handbook of Oriental Studies (Brill) > Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (Michel LAGARDE)


Michel Lagarde, D.Litt. (1984) in Oriental Studies, University of Lyon II, is Professor of Arabic and Islam at the Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome. He has published several articles related to the Koranic commentary and to Islamo-Christian relations.


This work contains indexes of the proper names and the subjects of the Great Commentary of Fahr al-Dîn al-Râzî, which comprises 32 volumes and forms an immense encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, invaluable for the knowledge of Classical Islam.
The work is based on the Beirut edition (1981), but it contains a synopsis which allows for the use of the editions of Cairo (1933) and Teheran (n.d.).
In the introduction, one finds a synthesis of the text’s important elements, the statement of exegetical principles of the Great Commentary, and information relating to its chronology and authorship.

(Source : Brill)