Gregor Schoeler est professeur d’Islamologie à l’Université de Bâle (à la retraite depuis l’été 2009). Il est un spécialiste de la poésie arabe et de l’histoire des premiers siècles de l’Islam.
Présentation (édition anglaise)
Over the last few decades a number of books have appeared on aspects of the written and the oral within pre-modern Islamic societies and their intellectual ideas. Traditionally, these books have focused mainly on the religious dimensions, on literature and the development of genres, on the transmission of scholarly ideas and practices, or the intellectual foundations of the Islamic sciences. To date, however, there are no books available in English which provide an authoritative, reasoned and comprehensive overview of how written and the oral interacted in early Islam. The Oral and Written in Early Islam fills this void and investigates the diverged and received cultural articulation among Muslims and within Muslim intellectual life of the early centuries of the Islamic Era which includes the seventh to ninth centuries of the Common Era. This volume is a translation of six German articles by Professor Gregor Schoeler the majority of which have not been translated into English before. Each article has been brought up to date, made accessible as possible to the non-specialist, and includes a glossary of key terms. The work also benefits from a substantial introduction by James Montgomery.
(Source : Routledge)
Présentation (édition française)
Avec le Coran, mis par écrit dès le milieu du VIIe siècle, est née la littérature arabe. Autour du Coran se développe une activité de collecte des données et d’enseignement. Pendant près de 100 ans, la transmission de ce savoir reposa en priorité sur la communication orale de maître à disciple. Puis durant les siècles suivants l’une des littératures les plus abondantes et variées du monde s’est peu à peu développée et formée, marquée par la multiplication des livres et par la diffusion écrite.
(Source : PUF)
Table de matières
Preface. - Glossary. - Editor’s introduction. - 1. The transmission of the sciences in early Islam : oral or written ?. - 2. The transmission of the sciences in early Islam revisited. - 3. Writing and publishing : on the use and function of writing in early Islam. - 4. Oral poetry, theory, and Arabic literature. - 5. Oral Torah and Ḥadīt : transmission, prohibition of writing, redaction. - 6. Who is the author of the Kitāb al-ʿayn ?. - Notes. - Bibliography. - Index
Compte rendu
– Reviewed By Andrew J. Lane